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It is the ultimate aim that this page will list every player that has ever played a non-competitve match, that hasn't made a competitive appearance. If you can help with any information on players then please mail me at

* competitive matches, for the purposes of this web site are League, FA Cup, League Cup, Full Members Cup, all UEFA & Fifa competitions including the Super Cup and The Charity / Community Shield. They do not include war time leagues, friendlies, testimonials, Anglo Scottish Cup and any other pre-season tournaments.

Please select a letter to start your quest:

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M

N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

There are currently 1321 players in the database, that are or have been employed by Chelsea FC but have not made first-team appearances for the club, as follows:

396 of these former Chelsea non first-team players have sadly passed away (see ). The Chelsea Graves Society have currently traced the final resting places (if one exists) of 130 of these (see ).

The symbol indicates that the player has been, or is being researched by the CGS and part of the research includes adding the player to our Chelsea family tree. It is not intended to imply that the player has passed away.


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Name1st Joined CFCPassed Away?AncestryF. A. G.ZeeMap
Ab Iorwerth, Emyr1959
Abrey, Brian1955Link to the CGS Ancestry profile for Brian Abrey
Abu, Derrick2012
Adams, ?1935? Adams has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for ? Adams
Adams, A1924A Adams has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for A Adams
Adams, Brian1962
Adams, D1960
Adams, George1965
Adeboyejo, Victor2017
Adegoke, Prince2000
Affane, Amin2010
Agate, Ian1956Ian Agate has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Ian AgateLink to the findagrave profile for Ian AgateLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Ian Agate
Aggrey, Jimmy1991
Ahamed, Nikki1998
Aina, Jordan2010
Aingel, A1907
Aitchison, ?1945
Aitken, Glenn1967
Akers, Walter1937Walter Akers has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Walter AkersLink to the findagrave profile for Walter AkersLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Walter Akers
Akomeah, Travis2022
Ali, Mukhtar2008
Allan, Cecil1936Cecil Allan has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Cecil AllanLink to the findagrave profile for Cecil AllanLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Cecil Allan
Allaway, C1908
Allott, Horace1913Horace Allott has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Horace AllottLink to the findagrave profile for Horace AllottLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Horace Allott
Almond, W1955
Alsop, George1922George Alsop has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for George AlsopLink to the findagrave profile for George AlsopLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for George Alsop
Ampah, Ato2021
Anderson, ?1920? Anderson has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for ? Anderson
Anderson, Douglas1939 (G) Douglas Anderson has passed awayLink to the findagrave profile for Douglas AndersonLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Douglas Anderson
Anderson, Edwin2020
Anderson, S1952
Andrews, ?1913? Andrews has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for ? Andrews
Andrews, James1966James Andrews has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for James Andrews


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Name1st Joined CFCPassed Away?AncestryF. A. G.ZeeMap
Ângelo, 2023


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Name1st Joined CFCPassed Away?AncestryF. A. G.ZeeMap
Anis, Jean-Yves2002
Anselmino, Aaron2024
Antwi, Genesis2022
Archibald, John1920John Archibald has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for John Archibald
Archontides, K1953
Armour, George1955Link to the CGS Ancestry profile for George Armour
Armstrong, Ron1975
Arnold, F1907
Arthurs, ?1911? Arthurs has passed away
Ashton, James2000
Askew, Jake2011
Atherton, Bobby1906Bobby Atherton has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Bobby AthertonLink to the findagrave profile for Bobby AthertonLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Bobby Atherton
Atsu, Christian2013Christian Atsu has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Christian AtsuLink to the findagrave profile for Christian AtsuLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Christian Atsu
Austin, Jack2024
Aylward, A1908
Aylward, Alfred1910Alfred Aylward has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Alfred Aylward
Aylward, William1919William Aylward has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for William AylwardLink to the findagrave profile for William AylwardLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for William Aylward
Ayres, Ron1953


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Backos, Desmond1970
Bacon, Cyril1940Cyril Bacon has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Cyril Bacon
Bacuzzi, Joe1945 (G) Joe Bacuzzi has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Joe Bacuzzi
Badley-Morgan, Luke2020
Bailey, ?1932? Bailey has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for ? Bailey
Bailey, G1908
Baker, ?1910? Baker has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for ? Baker
Baker, Billy1915Billy Baker has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Billy Baker
Baker, Gerry1955Gerry Baker has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Gerry BakerLink to the findagrave profile for Gerry BakerLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Gerry Baker
Baldacchino, Perry1979
Baldwin, Ken1938Ken Baldwin has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Ken BaldwinLink to the findagrave profile for Ken BaldwinLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Ken Baldwin
Baldwin, Pat1998
Baldwin, W1907
Ball, Samuel1925Samuel Ball has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Samuel Ball
Ballard, C1919C Ballard has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for C Ballard
Ballo, Thierno2018
Bamford, Patrick2012
Bangura, Sam2008
Banks, D1957
Bannister, David1953David Bannister has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for David Bannister
Barbour, Kobe2024
Barley, ?1949
Barnfather, Percy1917 (G) Percy Barnfather has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Percy BarnfatherLink to the findagrave profile for Percy BarnfatherLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Percy Barnfather
Barraclough, Arthur1936Arthur Barraclough has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Arthur BarracloughLink to the findagrave profile for Arthur BarracloughLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Arthur Barraclough
Barrett, Neil1997
Barry, Kevin1971Kevin Barry has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Kevin BarryLink to the findagrave profile for Kevin BarryLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Kevin Barry
Barton, Cyril1930Cyril Barton has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Cyril Barton
Bate, Lewis2018
Bateman, Tony1961
Batten, W1908
Baverstock, Jim1949Jim Baverstock has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Jim Baverstock
Baxter, Darren1996
Baxter, Nathan2016
Bayley, Jack1906Jack Bayley has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Jack BayleyLink to the findagrave profile for Jack BayleyLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Jack Bayley
Beach, Eddie2022
Beard, Leslie1968
Bearryman, Harry1941Harry Bearryman has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Harry Bearryman
Beatty, Steve1987
Beaumont, Anthony1962
Beaumont, Frank1907Frank Beaumont has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Frank BeaumontLink to the findagrave profile for Frank BeaumontLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Frank Beaumont
Beaumont, L1907
Beeney, Mitchell2015
Bell, ?1911? Bell has passed away
Bell, Ronnie1947Ronnie Bell has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Ronnie BellLink to the findagrave profile for Ronnie BellLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Ronnie Bell
Beningfield, ?1912
Bennett, C1970
Bennett, H1951
Bergström, Lucas2018
Berkeley-Agyepong, Jeremiah2024
Berthé, Mohamed1997
Bessex, Peter1951Peter Bessex has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Peter BessexLink to the findagrave profile for Peter BessexLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Peter Bessex
Best, Alan1951
Beste, Robin1982
Betts, Jack1927Jack Betts has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Jack BettsLink to the findagrave profile for Jack BettsLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Jack Betts
Bevan, ?1912? Bevan has passed away
Bibby, Dave1967Link to the CGS Ancestry profile for Dave Bibby
Biljon, Casper1938Casper Biljon has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Casper Biljon
Bill, Roger1961
Bird, Harold1918Harold Bird has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Harold Bird
Black, Ian1945Ian Black has passed away
Blackley, Arthur1955Arthur Blackley has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Arthur Blackley
Blackman, Jamal2012
Blackwood, J1955
Blair, Tommy1937Tommy Blair has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Tommy BlairLink to the findagrave profile for Tommy BlairLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Tommy Blair
Blake, Nathan1988
Bloomfield, R1955
Bolton, Barry1971
Boniface, Somto2021
Book, Tony1954Link to the CGS Ancestry profile for Tony Book
Bookman, Jeff1970
Borrows, John1936John Borrows has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for John BorrowsLink to the findagrave profile for John BorrowsLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for John Borrows
Boucher, ?1946
Boussoufa, Mbark2001
Bowder, Stan1992
Bowerman, P1957
Bowles, Edward1908Edward Bowles has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Edward Bowles
Boyd, S W1907S W Boyd has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for S W Boyd
Bradley, Jack1938Jack Bradley has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Jack BradleyLink to the findagrave profile for Jack BradleyLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Jack Bradley
Bradley, James1990
Bradley, Peter1977
Bradshaw, ?1912? Bradshaw has passed away
Brady, ?1946
Brady, Andrew1914Andrew Brady has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Andrew Brady
Brady, George2012
Braithwaite, Ian1983
Brand, Ed2003
Brazier, A1962
Breimyr, Henrik2011
Brennan, ?1949
Brennan, J1952
Brennan, Vincent1908Vincent Brennan has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Vincent Brennan
Brewster, Willie1951Willie Brewster has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Willie Brewster
Bridcutt, Liam2005
Bridge, W1905W Bridge has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for W Bridge
Bridger, A1908A Bridger has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for A Bridger
Briggs, ?1945
Briggs, J1929 (G)
Bright, G1907
Briley, Les1974
Brind, H1950
Brindle, John1946John Brindle has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for John BrindleLink to the findagrave profile for John BrindleLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for John Brindle
Britton, Billy1970
Broad, Stephen1994
Brockwell, ?1912? Brockwell has passed away
Brodie, John1919John Brodie has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for John Brodie
Brook, Peter1953Peter Brook has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Peter BrookLink to the findagrave profile for Peter BrookLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Peter Brook
Brooking, Josh2019
Brown, ?1945
Brown, Bill1933Bill Brown has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Bill BrownLink to the findagrave profile for Bill BrownLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Bill Brown
Brown, Bobby1970
Brown, Brian1966Brian Brown has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Brian Brown
Brown, Charlie2016
Brown, Walter1948
Brown, Willie1929 (G)
Browne, T1961
Buchan, Charlie1915Charlie Buchan has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Charlie BuchanLink to the findagrave profile for Charlie BuchanLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Charlie Buchan
Buchanan, Alex1933Alex Buchanan has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Alex Buchanan
Buchanan, Anthony1957
Buck, Harold1906Harold Buck has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Harold Buck
Budden, Austin1926Austin Budden has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Austin Budden
Bulch, Robert1949Robert Bulch has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Robert Bulch
Bull, H1912H Bull has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for H Bull
Bull, H1919H Bull has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for H Bull
Bumstead, ?1948
Bunyan, Charles1920Charles Bunyan has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Charles Bunyan
Bunyan, Maurice1911Maurice Bunyan has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Maurice BunyanLink to the findagrave profile for Maurice BunyanLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Maurice Bunyan
Burn, John1948John Burn has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for John BurnLink to the findagrave profile for John BurnLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for John Burn
Burnett, C1908
Burns, James1919James Burns has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for James Burns
Burrows, G1953
Burton, John1963
Busby, Matt1939 (G) Matt Busby has passed awayLink to the findagrave profile for Matt BusbyLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Matt Busby
Butler, ?1933? Butler has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for ? Butler
Butler, D1912
Butler, Malcolm1939 (G) Malcolm Butler has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Malcolm ButlerLink to the findagrave profile for Malcolm ButlerLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Malcolm Butler
Butt, A1954
Butterworth, Herbert1915 (G) Herbert Butterworth has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Herbert Butterworth
Bułka, Marcin2016
Byrne, Tommy1985


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Cable, C1919C Cable has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for C Cable
Caesar, Bill1926Bill Caesar has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Bill Caesar
Cain, L1910L Cain has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for L Cain
Caldwell, S1920
Calvert, T1920T Calvert has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for T Calvert
Calvey, Jack1906Jack Calvey has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Jack CalveyLink to the findagrave profile for Jack CalveyLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Jack Calvey
Campbell, Ernie1965
Campbell, James1906James Campbell has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for James Campbell
Campbell, Jimmy1942Jimmy Campbell has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Jimmy Campbell
Campbell, Luke2022
Campbell, M1959
Cane, Harry1906Harry Cane has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Harry Cane
Cardoso, Leo2022
Carless, B1955
Carlisle, ?1945
Carpenter, C1925C Carpenter has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for C Carpenter
Carrigan, James1946Link to the CGS Ancestry profile for James Carrigan
Carroll, Lee1992
Carsley, I1952
Carter, ?1945
Carter, Alfred1906Alfred Carter has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Alfred Carter
Carter, Brian1957
Cartmill, Shaun1986
Carvalho, Eduardo2016
Castillo, Juan2019
Caswell, Harry1905Harry Caswell has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Harry Caswell
Catlin, Bob1988
Ceely, G1907
Chalmers, James1924James Chalmers has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for James Chalmers
Chamberlain, ?1935? Chamberlain has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for ? Chamberlain
Chamberlain, Alec1992
Chamberlain, J1907J Chamberlain has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for J Chamberlain
Champelovier, Les1954Les Champelovier has passed away
Champion, ?1911? Champion has passed away
Chan, Robin1985
Chandler, Simon1983
Chaplin, Bertie1908Bertie Chaplin has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Bertie Chaplin
Chapman, JW1906JW Chapman has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for JW Chapman
Chappell, G1907
Charlton, F1907
Charlton, Michael1953Link to the CGS Ancestry profile for Michael Charlton
Charsley, W1952
Chatfield, Ian1989
Chester, P1951
Chibueze, Chinonso2022
Chicken, ?1945
Chisholm, Ken1945 (G) Ken Chisholm has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Ken Chisholm
Chitticks, Robert1908Robert Chitticks has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Robert ChitticksLink to the findagrave profile for Robert ChitticksLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Robert Chitticks
Christie, Terry1992
Christie-Davies, Isaac2014
Churchill, Laurie1970
Churchill, P1959
Churchill, T1945
Clare, ?1907? Clare has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for ? Clare
Clark, R1925R Clark has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for R Clark
Clarke, Chris1961Chris Clarke has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Chris Clarke
Clements, C1946Link to the CGS Ancestry profile for C Clements
Clifford, Billy2008
Clifford, Conor2009
Cliss, ?1949
Cluroe, Malcolm1953Malcolm Cluroe has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Malcolm CluroeLink to the findagrave profile for Malcolm CluroeLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Malcolm Cluroe
Coates, J1908
Cockcroft, Terry1953Terry Cockcroft has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Terry CockcroftLink to the findagrave profile for Terry CockcroftLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Terry Cockcroft
Cocks, Alan1968
Coker, William1906William Coker has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for William Coker
Cole, G1953
Colkett, Charlie2015
Colley, Joseph2015
Collier, ?1912? Collier has passed away
Collins, Bradley2013
Collyer, Dave1984Dave Collyer has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Dave Collyer
Compton, Les1939 (G) Les Compton has passed awayLink to the findagrave profile for Les ComptonLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Les Compton
Conboy, Frank1964
Conroy, Dion2008
Conroy, Peter1956Peter Conroy has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Peter ConroyLink to the findagrave profile for Peter ConroyLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Peter Conroy
Cook, Andy1979
Cook, E1952
Cooke-Yarborough, ?1911? Cooke-Yarborough has passed away
Coombes, Adam2007
Corcoran, Michael1988
Cork, Jack1998
Corney, Ray1959
Costen, P1954
Coulson, Willie1969
Cousins, Alfred1909Alfred Cousins has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Alfred Cousins
Cousins, Scott1999
Cousins, Tony1985
Cowen, John M1960John M Cowen has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for John M CowenLink to the findagrave profile for John M CowenLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for John M Cowen
Cowley, Francis1974
Cox, C1954
Coxon, R1946
Cracknell, R1953
Craddock, Miller1945Miller Craddock has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Miller Craddock
Craig, Benny1939 (G) Benny Craig has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Benny Craig
Craig, John1970John Craig has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for John Craig
Craig, R1954
Craker, Laurie1968Laurie Craker has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Laurie Craker
Crampton, Kai2022
Crawford, R1950
Creek, H1957
Creighton, John1937John Creighton has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for John CreightonLink to the findagrave profile for John CreightonLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for John Creighton
Crews, Alexander1912Alexander Crews has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Alexander CrewsLink to the findagrave profile for Alexander CrewsLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Alexander Crews
Crook, Walter1939 (G) Walter Crook has passed awayLink to the findagrave profile for Walter CrookLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Walter Crook
Cruikshank, Joe1967
Cumberbatch, Allan1992
Cumming, Jamie2008
Cummings, Billy1908Billy Cummings has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Billy Cummings
Cummings, S1953
Cummings, Shaun2005
Cummings, Warren1997
Cummins, W1951
Cunningham, Roy1953Link to the CGS Ancestry profile for Roy Cunningham
Cunningham, Tommy1973
Cunnington, Eddie1986
Curd, Teddy2021
Curnow, Reggie1924Reggie Curnow has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Reggie CurnowLink to the findagrave profile for Reggie CurnowLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Reggie Curnow


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Name1st Joined CFCPassed Away?AncestryF. A. G.ZeeMap
Dabo, Fankaty2007
Darey, Jeff1954Jeff Darey has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Jeff Darey
Dasilva, Cole2012
Dasilva, Jay2012
Dasilva, Rio2012
Davey, Alex2010
Davey, Les1950Les Davey has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Les Davey
Davidson, Norrie1951Norrie Davidson has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Norrie Davidson
Davidson, Stewart1916Stewart Davidson has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Stewart DavidsonLink to the findagrave profile for Stewart DavidsonLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Stewart Davidson
Davies, ?1949
Davies, Jeremy1989
Davies, Roy1988
Davies, Steven1996
Davies, Thomas1929Thomas Davies has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Thomas Davies
Davis, D1953
Davis, F1950
Davis, Jimmy1970
Dawson, ?1914 (T) Link to the CGS Ancestry profile for ? Dawson
Dawson, Derek1953
Deacon, Richard1934Richard Deacon has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Richard DeaconLink to the findagrave profile for Richard DeaconLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Richard Deacon
Deen-Conteh, Aziz2006
Delacour, Ian1969
Dellar, Brian1955
Demetrious, Shayne1996
Dennis, A1907
Denny, Reiss2014
Denoon, Jock1910Jock Denoon has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Jock DenoonLink to the findagrave profile for Jock DenoonLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Jock Denoon
Devyne, Bobby2008
Di Cesare, Valerio2001
Dibling, Tyler2022
Dine, Eric1939Eric Dine has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Eric Dine
Dixon, ?1937? Dixon has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for ? Dixon
Dixon, R1957
Djaló, Aliu2007
Dobbs, ?1908? Dobbs has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for ? Dobbs
Dobson, P1948
Dodds, Kenneth1975
Doherty, John1953John Doherty has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for John Doherty
Dolan, Joe1996
Dolby, ?1945
Donaldson, ?1945
Donaldson, Brian1952Brian Donaldson has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Brian Donaldson
Donnellan, Gary1978
Donnellan, Leo1980
Dorks, R1953
Doubell, W1912W Doubell has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for W Doubell
Dougall, ?1945
Douglas, F1945
Douglass, Norman1951Norman Douglass has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Norman DouglassLink to the findagrave profile for Norman DouglassLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Norman Douglass
Dovey, Alan1968
Dowdall, ?1949
Dowland, John1905John Dowland has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for John Dowland
Dowling, P1953
Downing, Keith1980
Downton, D1982
Drake, Bobby1960Link to the CGS Ancestry profile for Bobby Drake
Drake, Edward1957Link to the CGS Ancestry profile for Edward Drake
Drummond, ?1912? Drummond has passed away
Dudley, S1907S Dudley has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for S Dudley
Duffy, P1953
Duncan, John1921John Duncan has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for John DuncanLink to the findagrave profile for John DuncanLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for John Duncan
Dunk, ?1919? Dunk has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for ? Dunk
Dyer, Henry1923Henry Dyer has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Henry DyerLink to the findagrave profile for Henry DyerLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Henry Dyer
Dyer, Jimmy1945 (G) Jimmy Dyer has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Jimmy Dyer
Dyer, Kiano2020
Dykes, Jimmy1941 (G) Jimmy Dykes has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Jimmy DykesLink to the findagrave profile for Jimmy DykesLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Jimmy Dykes


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Earlam, P1945
Eastick, Brian1980
Ebanks, Derek1971
Ecclestone, ?1912? Ecclestone has passed away
Edwards, ?1926? Edwards has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for ? Edwards
Edwards, C1952
Edwards, K1958
Edwards, P1953
Edwards, Stan1949Stan Edwards has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Stan EdwardsLink to the findagrave profile for Stan EdwardsLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Stan Edwards
Effern, Tony1943 (G) Tony Effern has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Tony Effern
Egbers, Arthur1906Arthur Egbers has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Arthur Egbers
Ekwah, Pierre2018
El-Mhanni, Yasin2016
Elliott, Ben2019
Ellis, ?1954Link to the CGS Ancestry profile for ? Ellis
Ellis, Clinton1993
Ellis, Stanley1950
Elmer, Jonas2005
Emenalo, Landon2024
Endersby, Scott1977
Evans, FW1921FW Evans has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for FW Evans
Evans, Jackie1980
Evans, Malcolm1948
Evans, Rhys1997
Evans, S1957
Evans, Willie1986
Eve, P1923
Eyre, Bernard1945Bernard Eyre has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Bernard EyreLink to the findagrave profile for Bernard EyreLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Bernard Eyre
Ezenwata, Chizzy2023


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Faulkener, Lee1989
Feeley, Andy1980
Feltham, Dominic1985
Fenlon, Paddy1984
Fergey, Roy1952Link to the CGS Ancestry profile for Roy Fergey
Ferguson, ?1905? Ferguson has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for ? Ferguson
Fernandes, Ricardo2005
Ferreira, Fábio2005
Feruz, Islam2011
Fewings, Neil1992
Fiabema, Bryan2020
Fieldman, Ivan1936Ivan Fieldman has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Ivan Fieldman
Figueira, Walter2010
Finch, Lester1939 (G) Lester Finch has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Lester Finch
Fiorentini, Marcello1997
Fisher, ?1910? Fisher has passed away
Fisher, B1953
Fitzgerald, Scott2002
Flaherty, Phil1987
Fletcher, Harold1950
Fletcher, J1955
Flower, Louis2018
Foord, Eddie1910Eddie Foord has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Eddie FoordLink to the findagrave profile for Eddie FoordLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Eddie Foord
Foord, F1911F Foord has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for F Foord
Ford, H1906H Ford has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for H Ford
Ford, S1912S Ford has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for S Ford
Ford, Sidney1906Sidney Ford has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Sidney Ford
Forrester, Ramon1989
Foscolo, Bryan1961
Fraser, ?1912? Fraser has passed away
French, D1951
Frewin, Tony1967Tony Frewin has passed away
Friend, Albert1945
Frith, Declan2021
Furman, Dean2003


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Gallaccio, Michele2002
Gammer, Anthony1978
Ganiwu, Fatawu2024
Garrett, D1953
Garrett, R1958
Gaze, Gilbert1937Gilbert Gaze has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Gilbert GazeLink to the findagrave profile for Gilbert GazeLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Gilbert Gaze
Gee, Billy2023
Gibb, William1933William Gibb has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for William Gibb
Gibbons, ?1948
Gibson, N1982
Gibson, Simon1980Simon Gibson has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Simon GibsonLink to the findagrave profile for Simon GibsonLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Simon Gibson
Gilbert, ?1948
Giles, ?1910? Giles has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for ? Giles
Gill, Max1906Max Gill has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Max GillLink to the findagrave profile for Max GillLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Max Gill
Gillingwater, David1959Link to the CGS Ancestry profile for David Gillingwater
Girdwood, David1913David Girdwood has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for David GirdwoodLink to the findagrave profile for David GirdwoodLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for David Girdwood
Gleeson, John1905John Gleeson has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for John Gleeson
Glenn, David1982
Glynn, ?1945
Gnahore, Ambrose2010
Goddard, Ryan1991
Godfrey, W1954
Godwin, Danny1974
Gold, Billy1937Billy Gold has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Billy GoldLink to the findagrave profile for Billy GoldLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Billy Gold
Golding, ?1948
Gomes, Richard1969
Goodall, M1955
Goodlad, William1912William Goodlad has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for William Goodlad
Goodwin, ?1914? Goodwin has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for ? Goodwin
Goodwin, Brian1967
Gordon, Alistair2010
Gordon, Ben2007
Gordon, P1955
Gordon, Sol2024
Goring, ?1945
Goslin, Harry1939 (G) Harry Goslin has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Harry GoslinLink to the findagrave profile for Harry GoslinLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Harry Goslin
Goss, Alan1952Alan Goss has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Alan GossLink to the findagrave profile for Alan GossLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Alan Goss
Gould, Barry1964Barry Gould has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Barry GouldLink to the findagrave profile for Barry GouldLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Barry Gould
Gould, Bobby1979
Gould, D1954
Gradi, Dario1970
Graham, Gary1984
Granger, M1958
Grant, Josh2006
Gray, John1926John Gray has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for John Gray
Gray, R1959
Green, ?1945
Green, C1907
Green, D1950
Green, Gerard1959
Green, R1955
Greenburg, Sydney1907Sydney Greenburg has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Sydney Greenburg
Greenwood, Alex1953Alex Greenwood has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Alex Greenwood
Gregory, ?1912? Gregory has passed away
Grey, Thomas1920Thomas Grey has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Thomas GreyLink to the findagrave profile for Thomas GreyLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Thomas Grey
Greygoose, William1938William Greygoose has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for William Greygoose
Griffin, Derek1961
Griffiths, ?1945
Griffiths, M1955
Gummer, George1934George Gummer has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for George Gummer
Guppy, K1954
Guy, W1907


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Hackett, T1953
Hagan, Jimmy1939 (G) Jimmy Hagan has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Jimmy HaganLink to the findagrave profile for Jimmy HaganLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Jimmy Hagan
Haigh, Joe2019
Hall, ?1907? Hall has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for ? Hall
Hall, David1994
Hall, R1950
Hallam, ?1945
Halliday, Ken1968
Hamann, Nick2004
Hamilton, J1954
Hammond, Paul1974
Hampson, ?1907? Hampson has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for ? Hampson
Hams, Neil1992Neil Hams has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Neil Hams
Hanley, Fred1938Fred Hanley has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Fred Hanley
Hanley, Roy1959
Hanlon, Richie1994
Hanney, ?1948
Hardcastle, D1954
Harding, S1908
Hardwick, George1945 (G) George Hardwick has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for George HardwickLink to the findagrave profile for George HardwickLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for George Hardwick
Hardy, G1958
Hargreaves, Ken1952
Harkness, Dennis1958Link to the CGS Ancestry profile for Dennis Harkness
Harman, S1928S Harman has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for S Harman
Harmer, William1905William Harmer has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for William Harmer
Harper, Ted1949
Harris, Colin1971
Harris, E1908
Harris, J1954
Harris, J1960
Harris, R1953
Harris, W1905W Harris has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for W Harris
Harris, W1953
Harrison, ?1949
Harrison, Gavin1996
Harrison, J1954
Harrison, Ollie2023
Harrison, Walter1920Walter Harrison has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Walter Harrison
Hart, J1925J Hart has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for J Hart
Hart, R1950
Harvey, A1953
Hauden, Ati1994
Hawkes, Fred1912Fred Hawkes has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Fred Hawkes
Haxhia, Aldi2008
Hay, Noah2022
Haydon, Timothy1969
Hayes, A1957
Hayward, C1953
Hazard, Kylian2017
Hazard, Thorgan2012
Heard, C1953
Hedman, Magnus2006
Hegarty, ?1909? Hegarty has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for ? Hegarty
Heimann, Niclas2007
Heino, Aleksi2020
Henchley, ?1949
Henderson, Sam1928Sam Henderson has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Sam Henderson
Henderson, Stewart1962
Hendry, Jimmy1983
Herbert, Norris1909Norris Herbert has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Norris Herbert
Heron, ?1905? Heron has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for ? Heron
Hetherington, Alan1952Link to the CGS Ancestry profile for Alan Hetherington
Hibbert, Jordan2006
Hill, Bertie1947Bertie Hill has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Bertie HillLink to the findagrave profile for Bertie HillLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Bertie Hill
Hillary, Roger1957
Hills, ?1931? Hills has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for ? Hills
Hinshelwood, Martin1985
Hinton, Darren1987
Hipwell, Steve1967Steve Hipwell has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Steve HipwellLink to the findagrave profile for Steve HipwellLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Steve Hipwell
Hoar, ?1935? Hoar has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for ? Hoar
Hobbs, G1952
Hobbs, Mark1983
Hodgetts, Andy1984
Hodson, Ben1997
Holbone, ?1911? Holbone has passed away
Hollands, Danny2001
Holling, Isaiah1920Isaiah Holling has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Isaiah Holling
Hook, Mark1997
Hooper, V1956
Horn, Bob1985
Houghton, J1908
Houghton, Jordan2003
Howard, Brian2003
Howard, Tom2010
Howarth, Jack1963
Howe, S1953
Howitt, William1938William Howitt has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for William HowittLink to the findagrave profile for William HowittLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for William Howitt
Howlett, Bobby1965
Hudell, Ben2001
Hudson, John1964
Hudson, Steve1981
Hughes, Andrew1992
Hughes, Brodi2021
Hughes, Joe1916 (G) Joe Hughes has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Joe HughesLink to the findagrave profile for Joe HughesLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Joe Hughes
Hughes, Joseph1923Joseph Hughes has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Joseph Hughes
Hughes, Michael1953
Hughes, William1949
Humphrey, ?1920? Humphrey has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for ? Humphrey
Humphrey, K1953
Hunston, Tony1925Tony Hunston has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Tony HunstonLink to the findagrave profile for Tony Hunston
Hunt, ?1933? Hunt has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for ? Hunt
Hunte, Connor2006
Hunter, Jimmy1946Jimmy Hunter has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Jimmy HunterLink to the findagrave profile for Jimmy HunterLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Jimmy Hunter
Hurrell, Sam2006
Hutchinson, John1922John Hutchinson has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for John Hutchinson
Hutton, Peter1947Peter Hutton has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Peter HuttonLink to the findagrave profile for Peter HuttonLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Peter Hutton
Huxford, Colin1960Link to the CGS Ancestry profile for Colin Huxford


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Idle, Geoff1967
Idrissi, Yahya2020
Iling-Junior, Samuel2018
Imber, Noel1996
Ince, Rohan2008
Irvine, ?1945
Issa, Pierre2001
Izzard, William1933William Izzard has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for William Izzard
Izzet, Muzzy1993


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Jackson, Alec1974
Jackson, Andrew1951
Jacobs, Giles1987
Jacobs, John1974
James, Andrew1989
James, Brian1962
James, Dai1938Dai James has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Dai James
James, Tommy1969
Janes, Samuel1905Samuel Janes has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Samuel Janes
Javary, Jean-Philippe1997
Jefferson, Arthur1939 (G) Arthur Jefferson has passed awayLink to the findagrave profile for Arthur JeffersonLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Arthur Jefferson
Jeffreys, Danny2001
Jenkins, ?1927
Jenkins, C1953
Jenkins, Iori1976
Jenkins, Peter1962
Jenner, ?1919
Jobson, V1956
Johansson, Jonatan1996
John, W1953
Johnson, Darius2018
Johnson, George1927George Johnson has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for George Johnson
Johnson, Roy1954Roy Johnson has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Roy JohnsonLink to the findagrave profile for Roy JohnsonLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Roy Johnson
Johnston, David1961
Johnstone, ?1970
Jones, ?1945
Jones, Chris2009
Jones, David1987
Jones, Eric1940 (G) Eric Jones has passed awayLink to the findagrave profile for Eric JonesLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Eric Jones
Jones, Francis1907Francis Jones has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Francis Jones
Jones, J1978
Jones, Mick1964
Jones, Tom1980
Jones, Walter1913Walter Jones has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Walter Jones
Jordan, J1948
Joseph, Roger1996


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Kandi, Chike2012
Kane, Todd2012
Kavuma-McQueen, Ryan2024
Kean, Russell1975
Keeble, ?1958
Kelly, ?1907? Kelly has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for ? Kelly
Kelly, B1948
Kelly, Russell1993
Kellyman, Omari2024
Kennedy, Brian1986
Kenny, James1952
Kerridge, ?1945
Key, B1970
Kiely, D1908
Kiernan, Tommy1939 (G) Tommy Kiernan has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Tommy KiernanLink to the findagrave profile for Tommy KiernanLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Tommy Kiernan
Kiff, Stephen1968
Kilduff, George1940George Kilduff has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for George Kilduff
Kilmister, ?1949
Kilpatrick, Ian1988
Kilpatrick, Willie1939Willie Kilpatrick has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Willie Kilpatrick
King, ?1915? King has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for ? King
King, Barry1958
King, Billy-Joe2007
King, John1997
Kinston, ?1926? Kinston has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for ? Kinston
Kiwomya, Alex2010
Kneißl, Sebastian2000
Knight, ?1914
Knock, Robert1978
Knott, Billy2007
Kpakpé, Alex2018
Krug, Billy1914Billy Krug has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Billy KrugLink to the findagrave profile for Billy KrugLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Billy Krug
Kruk, Peter1968


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Laird, Alec1951Alec Laird has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Alec LairdLink to the findagrave profile for Alec LairdLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Alec Laird
Lalkovič, Milan2009
Lambert, Edmund1926Edmund Lambert has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Edmund Lambert
Lambu, Goma2003
Lamburn, M1953
Lancaster, Derek1965
Lancaster, J1957
Lanham, Charles1905Charles Lanham has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Charles LanhamLink to the findagrave profile for Charles LanhamLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Charles Lanham
Lantz, Marcus1997
Larkin, Joe1967
Latham, J1955
Lavinier, Marcel2016
Law, G1907G Law has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for G Law
Law, R1960
Lawlor, Robert1985
Lawrence, Henry2017
Lawrence, Keith1960
Lawrence, Keith1969
Lawrence, N1908
Lawrence, W1908
Lazic, Vladimir1992
Lazzaretti, Gustavo2003
Leach, ?1913
Lee, James1951James Lee has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for James Lee
Legg, Brian1955
Lennox, Alex1952Link to the CGS Ancestry profile for Alex Lennox
Leonard, John1932John Leonard has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for John Leonard
Letheren, Glen1977
Lever, Terry1962
Lewis, C1936C Lewis has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for C Lewis
Lewis, M1956
Lewis, Marcel2016
Lieven, Gordon1945Gordon Lieven has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Gordon Lieven
Little, Fred1906Fred Little has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Fred LittleLink to the findagrave profile for Fred LittleLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Fred Little
Livesey, Harry1913Harry Livesey has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Harry Livesey
Livramento, Tino2017
Lloyd, ?1929? Lloyd has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for ? Lloyd
Lloyd, Elwyn1927Elwyn Lloyd has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Elwyn LloydLink to the findagrave profile for Elwyn LloydLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Elwyn Lloyd
Lochead, Alan1965
Lodge, D1953
Long, Dennis1956
Long, L1954
Longhurst, J1927 (T)
Loudon, Reece2009
Lovell, Eric1953Eric Lovell has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Eric Lovell
Lowe, R1956
Lucas, Dave1971
Lunn, Grant1982
Lunniss, Roy1959Roy Lunniss has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Roy Lunniss
Lyons, Harold1913Harold Lyons has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Harold LyonsLink to the findagrave profile for Harold LyonsLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Harold Lyons


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Ma-Kalambay, Yves2003
Macdonald, ?1929
MacKenzie, Ronald1907Ronald MacKenzie has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Ronald MacKenzieLink to the findagrave profile for Ronald MacKenzieLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Ronald MacKenzie
Maddox, Jacob2013
Magnay, Carl2007
Manners, Eamon1975
Mansell, Charles1907Charles Mansell has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Charles MansellLink to the findagrave profile for Charles MansellLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Charles Mansell
Mansey, Henry1908Henry Mansey has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Henry Mansey
Marsh, ?1911? Marsh has passed away
Martella, Antonio2001
Martin, B1960
Martin, Edward1910Edward Martin has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Edward Martin
Martin, J1957
Martin, Jamie1992
Martin, Steven1991
Martin, Tim1981
Masampu, Renedi2017
Maskell, Michael1968
Mason, George1927George Mason has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for George Mason
Mauro, 2002
Mayes, Bobby1947Link to the CGS Ancestry profile for Bobby Mayes
Mbuyamba, Xavier2020
McAidoo, Ryan2023
McAngus, John1937John McAngus has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for John McAngus
McBride, Joe1931Joe McBride has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Joe McBride
McCan, Chris1993
McCarthy, Paddy1984
McCarthy, T1953
McClelland, Sam2018
McColl, Tommy1964Tommy McColl has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Tommy McColl
McCormick, Luke2015
McDavid, ?1924? McDavid has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for ? McDavid
McDonald, Jack1945Jack McDonald has passed away
McDonald, Walter1950
McDonough, Roy1980
McDougall, ?1914? McDougall has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for ? McDougall
McEachran, George2016
McFarlane, Robert1906Robert McFarlane has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Robert McFarlaneLink to the findagrave profile for Robert McFarlaneLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Robert McFarlane
McGill, Steve1986
McGlinchy, Harry2022
McIntosh, J1907
McKennan, Peter1942Peter McKennan has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Peter McKennan
McKenzie, Eric1961Eric McKenzie has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Eric McKenzieLink to the findagrave profile for Eric McKenzieLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Eric McKenzie
McKenzie, G1908
McKim, John1947John McKim has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for John McKim
McKinlay, Kevin2002
McLaren, D1950
McLearie, ?1920? McLearie has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for ? McLearie
McLeod, Alec1912Alec McLeod has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Alec McLeodLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Alec McLeod
McMahon, Harrison2022
McMillan, R1957
McMillan, Stuart1919Stuart McMillan has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Stuart McMillanLink to the findagrave profile for Stuart McMillanLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Stuart McMillan
McMorran, Jim1971
McNaughton, Adam1914Adam McNaughton has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Adam McNaughton
McNeilly, Donnell2020
McPoland, A1946
Meadows, James1948
Medlock, Owen1955Owen Medlock has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Owen MedlockLink to the findagrave profile for Owen MedlockLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Owen Medlock
Melia, Patrick1935Patrick Melia has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Patrick Melia
Mendel-Idowu, Tudor2013
Mendes, Junior1992
Merrick, Max2022
Merrifield, Roy1954Roy Merrifield has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Roy Merrifield
Merryweather, W1952
Metcalfe, Christian1990
Mheuka, Shim2022
Mike, ?1905? Mike has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for ? Mike
Milburn, George1939 (G) George Milburn has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for George MilburnLink to the findagrave profile for George MilburnLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for George Milburn
Miller, W1951
Milne, ?1920? Milne has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for ? Milne
Milne, ?1933
Milton, Ronald1949
Miner, Colin1965
Mitchell, ?1911? Mitchell has passed away
Mitchell, A1945
Mitchell, Kevin1994
Mitchell, Laurie1952Link to the CGS Ancestry profile for Laurie Mitchell
Mitchell, Reece2011
Mitrović, Marko2008
Moffat, George1906George Moffat has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for George Moffat
Moir, J1953
Mola, Clinton2015
Montgomery, Iain1950
Moore, ?1925? Moore has passed away
Moore, E1954
Moorman, G1907
Morais, Filipe2003
More, Terry1960
Morgan, ?1945
Morgan, Jimmy-Jay2023
Morgan, L1951
Morris, ?1924
Morris, F1959
Morris, J1933J Morris has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for J Morris
Morris, Jason1985
Morris, Paul1979
Morrison, Charlie1968
Morrison, John1909John Morrison has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for John Morrison
Mothersille, Malik2020
Moxham, Neil1981
Moyle, ?1948
Muheim, Miro2014
Muleba, Charlie2009
Muncie, ?1946
Murgatroyd, Tom1936Tom Murgatroyd has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Tom MurgatroydLink to the findagrave profile for Tom MurgatroydLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Tom Murgatroyd
Murray, W1958
Murray-Campbell, Harrison2023
Musonda, Lamisha2012
Musonda, Tika2012


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Nartey, Richard2007
Nash, David1919David Nash has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for David Nash
Nathan, 2015
Nditi, Adam2008
Nekrews, Thomas1951Thomas Nekrews has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Thomas Nekrews
Nelmes, Alan1965
Neville, David1950David Neville has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for David Neville
Newman, ?1923
Newman, M1954
Newton, P1907
Ngumoha, Rio2023
Nicholas, Nigel1991
Nicholls, George1915George Nicholls has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for George Nicholls
Nicholls, Paul1997
Nickalls, James1928James Nickalls has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for James NickallsLink to the findagrave profile for James NickallsLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for James Nickalls
Nielson, Morten2005
Nisbet, Boyd1952Boyd Nisbet has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Boyd NisbetLink to the findagrave profile for Boyd NisbetLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Boyd Nisbet
Nkumu, Archange2003
Nolan, Martin1982
Norman, Craig1991
Norman, Gordon1950Gordon Norman has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Gordon Norman
Norman, Philip1950Philip Norman has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Philip NormanLink to the findagrave profile for Philip NormanLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Philip Norman
Norris, W1950
Nortey, Nortei2008
Nouble, Frank2007
Nunn, George2018
Nutter, Walter2019


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O'Donnell, Rudy1907Rudy OLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Rudy O
O'Mahoney, F1956
Olagunju, Saheed2023
Olise, Richard2021
Omeruo, Kenneth2012
Ontoong, Rodney1970
Orchard, W1954
Osborne, J1953
Osborne, Steve1997
Osmanovic, Anjur2011
Osmond, ?1929
Ovens, Gilbert1910Gilbert Ovens has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Gilbert OvensLink to the findagrave profile for Gilbert OvensLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Gilbert Ovens
Owen, Glyn1952


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Page, ?1934? Page has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for ? Page
Page, ?1949
Paím, Fábio2008
Paine, ?1945
Pallett ,  J1910 J Pallett  has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for  J Pallett
Palmer, Kasey2013
Pantić, Danilo2015
Panzo, Jonathan2010
Papa, Ben1993
Pappoe, Daniel2009
Parkin, Sam1997
Parr, Geoffrey1950Link to the CGS Ancestry profile for Geoffrey Parr
Parsons, John1990
Partridge, Geoffrey1925Geoffrey Partridge has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Geoffrey Partridge
Pavitt, W1953
Paxton, ?1945
Payne, Robert1953
Peacock, Albert1914Albert Peacock has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Albert Peacock
Peacock, Tom1939 (G) Tom Peacock has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Tom PeacockLink to the findagrave profile for Tom PeacockLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Tom Peacock
Pearce, ?1948
Pearce, W1908
Pearson, J1950
Peart-Harris, Myles2018
Pease, ?1906? Pease has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for ? Pease
Penny, Clive1976
Perkins, Steve1971
Perry, D1953
Pettigrew, Adrian2003
Pettit, ?1945
Phillips, Philip1905Philip Phillips has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Philip Phillips
Phillips, Walter1986
Philliskirk, Danny2007
Pickett, Brian1953Brian Pickett has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Brian Pickett
Pinker, Shaun1980
Pirrie, Neil1969
Piton, G1908
Pitt, Courtney1997
Pollock, William1932William Pollock has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for William Pollock
Pommell, Alan1972
Pope, ?1912
Pople, Steve1970
Poric, Adem1991
Potter, Cecil1909Cecil Potter has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Cecil Potter
Potter, Daniel1996
Potter, Robert1907Robert Potter has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Robert PotterLink to the findagrave profile for Robert PotterLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Robert Potter
Poulson, B1950
Poulter, Simon1996
Powell, Dennis1979
Power, John1985
Pratt, B1954
Price, George1970
Priest, Phil1983
Prior, H1908
Prizeman, Dennis1948
Prosenik, Philipp2009
Prout, W1950
Puddephatt, Ernest1950Ernest Puddephatt has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Ernest PuddephattLink to the findagrave profile for Ernest PuddephattLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Ernest Puddephatt
Pullyn, D1951
Pulman, Ian2001
Purcell, Pat1965
Pybus, George1934George Pybus has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for George PybusLink to the findagrave profile for George PybusLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for George Pybus


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Quinn, Paul1995
Quintero, Josimar2013


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Name1st Joined CFCPassed Away?AncestryF. A. G.ZeeMap
Radnage, Jospeh1907Jospeh Radnage has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Jospeh Radnage
Raine, Thomas1925Thomas Raine has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Thomas RaineLink to the findagrave profile for Thomas RaineLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Thomas Raine
Rak-Sakyi, Jesurun2018
Rak-Sakyi, Sam2021
Ramsay, Robert1919Robert Ramsay has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Robert Ramsay
Randall, J1950
Rankine, Dion2019
Ransom, Harry1905Harry Ransom has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Harry RansomLink to the findagrave profile for Harry RansomLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Harry Ransom
Rattray, John1997
Rawlinson, Charles1905Charles Rawlinson has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Charles RawlinsonLink to the findagrave profile for Charles RawlinsonLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Charles Rawlinson
Ray, Cecil1934Cecil Ray has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Cecil Ray
Ray, Johnny1958Johnny Ray has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Johnny Ray
Read, D1946
Reay, Edwin1939 (G) Edwin Reay has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Edwin ReayLink to the findagrave profile for Edwin ReayLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Edwin Reay
Redan, Daishawn2017
Reddington, Stuart1998
Reeves, Stephen1995
Reid, Findlay1926Findlay Reid has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Findlay Reid
Reid, Jimmy1910Jimmy Reid has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Jimmy Reid
Reid, W1905
Reid, William1905William Reid has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for William Reid
Renouf, Dennis1905Dennis Renouf has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Dennis Renouf
Reynolds, Stuart1992
Richards, Dujuan2024
Richards, Ken1933Ken Richards has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Ken RichardsLink to the findagrave profile for Ken RichardsLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Ken Richards
Richards, Lewi2024
Richardson, Derek1972
Richardson, Jay1996
Rickard, J1933
Riddell, J1945
Ridyard, Alf1939 (G) Alf Ridyard has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Alf RidyardLink to the findagrave profile for Alf RidyardLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Alf Ridyard
Ritchie, John1950
Roberts, ?1913
Roberts, Johnny1966
Robertson, ?1947
Robertson, James1931James Robertson has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for James RobertsonLink to the findagrave profile for James RobertsonLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for James Robertson
Robertson, L1906
Robertson, Ronald1906Ronald Robertson has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Ronald RobertsonLink to the findagrave profile for Ronald RobertsonLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Ronald Robertson
Robertson, William1955
Robey, George1906George Robey has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for George RobeyLink to the findagrave profile for George RobeyLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for George Robey
Robinson, Michael1958
Robotham, A1908
Robson, W1951
Rocastle, Craig2003
Rodda, Harry2024
Rogers, ?1949
Rogers, Steven1970
Rooney, Brian1955
Ross, Andy1999
Ross, Duncan1981
Rounce, J1926
Routledge, Willie1930Willie Routledge has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Willie Routledge
Rowe, Zeke1992
Rowlands, ?1926
Rowlands, Vivian1945Vivian Rowlands has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Vivian Rowlands
Royal, Mark1997
Royston, G1952
Rudd, ?1919
Rule, Alan1952Alan Rule has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Alan Rule
Runham, Frankie2015
Russell, James2004
Russell, Jon2016
Rutter, B1956
Ryan, Bradley2021


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Saarelma, Tomi2005
Sait, P1953
Sakala, Mavuta1994
Sakhvadze, Archil1996
Sala, Jacopo2007
Sammut, Ruben2004
Sampayo, Ben2006
Samuels-Smith, Ishe2023
Sandell, ?1912
Sanderson, ?1907? Sanderson has passed away
Sanderson, ?1945
Sanderson, R1921R Sanderson has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for R Sanderson
Sands, Hudson2022
Sansom, Ted1953Link to the CGS Ancestry profile for Ted Sansom
Santos, Andrey2023
Saunders, W1924Link to the CGS Ancestry profile for W Saunders
Saville, George2009
Saville, Jack2007
Sawyer, Lee2006
Sawyers, Stokley1982
Scanlon, Jimmy1974
Scannen, ?1945
Schofield, Michael1967
Scott, ?1922? Scott has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for ? Scott
Scott, D1954
Scott, James1961
Scott, John1962
Seaman, Roger1958
Searle, Stuart2007


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Šebek, Jan2009


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Name1st Joined CFCPassed Away?AncestryF. A. G.ZeeMap
Seeburg, Max1906Max Seeburg has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Max SeeburgLink to the findagrave profile for Max SeeburgLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Max Seeburg
Sees, Paul1971
Selway, F1951
Sentence, Billy2001
Seremba, Ismail2007
Sexton, Richard1996
Shanks, Wally1946Wally Shanks has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Wally Shanks
Sharman-Lowe, Ted2020
Shea, ?1945
Shepherd, ?1949
Sheppard, Kyle1997
Shevell, David2002
Shiner, Harry1926Harry Shiner has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Harry ShinerLink to the findagrave profile for Harry ShinerLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Harry Shiner
Shute, B1907
Sibley, Joe1939 (G) Joe Sibley has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Joe SibleyLink to the findagrave profile for Joe SibleyLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Joe Sibley
Silcott-Duberry, Zain2020
Sillito, Harry1921Harry Sillito has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Harry SillitoLink to the findagrave profile for Harry SillitoLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Harry Sillito
Sime, Charles1933Charles Sime has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Charles Sime
Simeu, Dynel2018
Simmonds, James1999
Sinclair, D1950
Sirtis, Steven1981
Skiverton, Terry1993
Slater, Albert1905Albert Slater has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Albert SlaterLink to the findagrave profile for Albert SlaterLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Albert Slater
Slatter, Danny1997
Slonina, Gabriel2022
Sluman, Barry1954Barry Sluman has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Barry Sluman
Small, Steven1988
Smart, Barry1957Link to the CGS Ancestry profile for Barry Smart
Smee, Roger1965
Smith, ?1910? Smith has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for ? Smith
Smith, ?1946
Smith, ?1948
Smith, A1954
Smith, B1954
Smith, Dean2002
Smith, E1954
Smith, Eddie1948Eddie Smith has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Eddie SmithLink to the findagrave profile for Eddie SmithLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Eddie Smith
Smith, G1948
Smith, George1923George Smith has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for George Smith
Smith, J1953
Smith, J1954Link to the CGS Ancestry profile for J Smith
Smith, James1934James Smith has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for James Smith
Smith, James1950
Smith, John1939John Smith has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for John Smith
Smith, Keith1955Link to the CGS Ancestry profile for Keith Smith
Smith, L1933L Smith has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for L Smith
Smith, Les1945Les Smith has passed away
Smith, Michael1948Michael Smith has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Michael Smith
Smith, Phil1957Link to the CGS Ancestry profile for Phil Smith
Smith, Philip1954
Smith, Stanley1934Stanley Smith has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Stanley Smith
Smith, T1959
Smith, Willie1971
Snasdell, Billy1964Billy Snasdell has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Billy SnasdellLink to the findagrave profile for Billy SnasdellLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Billy Snasdell
Somers, Micky1962
Sorensen, Michael1970
Souness, Ian1976
Southby, ?1908
Spiers, J1952
Spong, John1970
Ssewankambo, Isak2012
St Clair, Harvey2006
Stacey, Terry1954
Stafford, W1955
Stalder, R1957
Stanborough, S1907
Stancill, Tommy1935Tommy Stancill has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Tommy Stancill
Stannard, William1932William Stannard has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for William StannardLink to the findagrave profile for William StannardLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for William Stannard
Starkey, Jesse2006
Startup, Edward1931Edward Startup has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Edward Startup
Stead, D1954
Stephenson, ?1945
Stevens, George1930George Stevens has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for George Stevens
Stevenson, James1946James Stevenson has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for James Stevenson
Stevenson, Ryan1998
Stewart, Dave1979
Stickler, M1954
Stillitoe, ?1911? Stillitoe has passed away
Stone, ?1989
Stone, George1924George Stone has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for George StoneLink to the findagrave profile for George StoneLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for George Stone
Stoodley, Claude1909Claude Stoodley has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Claude Stoodley
Storey, Matthew1925Matthew Storey has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Matthew Storey
Stradling, ?1946
Strickland, Kenny2009
Strode, Matt1997
Stroud, Derek1948Derek Stroud has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Derek Stroud
Stuart, A1908
Stuart, A1950
Sturge, Zak2022
Stutter, Ronnie2020
Subuloye, Tayo2024
Suljic, Ali2013
Sulley, Chris1977
Summers, Roy1967
Suttle, Ken1947Ken Suttle has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Ken SuttleLink to the findagrave profile for Ken SuttleLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Ken Suttle
Swift, ?1906? Swift has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for ? Swift
Sykes, Jim1925Jim Sykes has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Jim SykesLink to the findagrave profile for Jim SykesLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Jim Sykes
Sylla, Norman2002
Symington, Leslie1927Leslie Symington has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Leslie Symington


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Tabor, Jordan2005Jordan Tabor has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Jordan Tabor
Taft, A1949
Tait, B1954
Taiwo, Tom2006
Talby, R1958
Tambling, Michael1958
Tant, W1922W Tant has passed away
Tapper, C1953
Taylor, Alan1972
Taylor, Albert1931Albert Taylor has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Albert Taylor
Taylor, Andrew1997
Taylor, Bart1926Bart Taylor has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Bart TaylorLink to the findagrave profile for Bart TaylorLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Bart Taylor
Taylor, G1958
Taylor, H1907
Taylor, J1951
Taylor, Jim1945Jim Taylor has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Jim Taylor
Taylor, Norman1929Norman Taylor has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Norman Taylor
Taylor, Rhys2006
Taylor, W1920W Taylor has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for W Taylor
Taylor-Crossdale, Martell2007
Tebbett, Reuben1911Reuben Tebbett has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Reuben TebbettLink to the findagrave profile for Reuben TebbettLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Reuben Tebbett
Tejera, Sergio2006
Templeman, Lee1974
Tennant, John1959John Tennant has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for John Tennant
Tennant, Warren1966
Tewkesbury, Ken1931 (T) Ken Tewkesbury has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Ken TewkesburyLink to the findagrave profile for Ken Tewkesbury
Thomas, ?1989
Thomas, Brian1953
Thomas, Silko2016
Thompson, Jared2012
Thompson, Steve1984
Thornby, Jamie2003
Thornton, Paul2000
Tickle, George1912George Tickle has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for George TickleLink to the findagrave profile for George TickleLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for George Tickle
Tié, Nicolas2017
Tierling, Lee1990
Tillen, Joe2002
Tillen, Sam2001
Titmus, Fred1949Fred Titmus has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Fred TitmusLink to the findagrave profile for Fred TitmusLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Fred Titmus
Tlemcani, Sami2020
Tobin, Josh2020
Toon, J1920
Toop, Dickie1944 (G) Dickie Toop has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Dickie ToopLink to the findagrave profile for Dickie ToopLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Dickie Toop
Töre, Gökhan2009
Townsend, P1951
Trinder, Fred1908Fred Trinder has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Fred Trinder
Trueman, ?1907? Trueman has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for ? Trueman
Turkington, Mark1980
Turner, Brian1968
Turner, Sam1998
Tutfield, R1951
Tweedy, George1939 (G) George Tweedy has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for George TweedyLink to the findagrave profile for George TweedyLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for George Tweedy
Twumasi, Seth2006


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Ugbo, Iké2017
Ullah, Ainsley1992
Unwin, R1955
Usill, H1920
Uwakwe, Tariq2015


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Vaessen, Leon1956
Vafiadis, Seth1961
van der Berg, Stephanus1938Stephanus van der Berg has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Stephanus van der Berg
Vaughan, Derek1968
Vaux, Ted1938Ted Vaux has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Ted Vaux
Vertannes, Des1989
Virgo, Raymond1954Raymond Virgo has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Raymond Virgo
Vollmer, Mervyn1951Mervyn Vollmer has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Mervyn VollmerLink to the findagrave profile for Mervyn VollmerLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Mervyn Vollmer
Vowles, Mick1965


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Wade, Shaun2023
Wadey, Alfred1925Alfred Wadey has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Alfred Wadey
Wady, Ethan2018
Waggley, ?1985
Wakefield, Charlie2009
Wakelin, ?1945
Wakely, Jack2017
Walker, ?1910? Walker has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for ? Walker
Walker, J1920J Walker has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for J Walker
Walker, Sam2009
Wall, Billy1956
Wall, J1949
Wall, W1907
Wallington, Steve1975
Walsh, Reggie2024
Ward, Joe1967
Ward, Kevin1982
Ward, Paul1980
Wardell, Albert1927 (T) Albert Wardell has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Albert Wardell
Wardle, George1945George Wardle has passed away
Ware, John1969
Wareham, Jayden2021
Warner, ?1922
Warren, ?1927
Warren, Robert1948
Washington, Marcell2023
Waterfall, W1907
Watkins, Jack2002
Watson, E1946
Watson, Guy1908Guy Watson has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Guy WatsonLink to the findagrave profile for Guy WatsonLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Guy Watson
Watson, J1908J Watson has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for J Watson
Watson, John1911John Watson has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for John Watson
Watson, Ted1946Ted Watson has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Ted WatsonLink to the findagrave profile for Ted WatsonLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Ted Watson
Watson, Willie1984
Watts, Jimmy1954
Weaver, Frank1926Frank Weaver has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Frank Weaver
Weaver, Raymond1952
Webber, ?1920? Webber has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for ? Webber
Webberley, John1974
Webster, Charlie2014
Westbury, G1952
Weston, Leslie1948
Wheatley, W1907
Wheeler, J1955
Wheeler-Henry, Joseph2024
Whelan, R1954
White, ?1945
White, Dean1975
White, Graham1953
Whitehead, F1954
Whiting, William1905William Whiting has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for William WhitingLink to the findagrave profile for William WhitingLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for William Whiting
Whitington, Eric1962
Whittington, ?1956
Whysall, John1906John Whysall has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for John Whysall
Wiggett, Charlie2017
Wileman, Henage1909Henage Wileman has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Henage WilemanLink to the findagrave profile for Henage WilemanLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Henage Wileman
Wiley, Caleb2024
Wilkie, James1912James Wilkie has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for James Wilkie
Wilkins, Steve1976
Wilkinson, Glenn1988
Wilkinson, Harry1946Harry Wilkinson has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Harry Wilkinson
Wilks, Alan1963
Wilks, C1953
Williams, Andrew1989
Williams, D1954
Williams, Dylan2022
Williams, Michael1968
Williams, T1945
Williams, T1954
Willis, Ray1962
Willis, T1952
Wills, Gareth1953
Wilson, A1945
Wilson, Jimmy1947Jimmy Wilson has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Jimmy WilsonLink to the findagrave profile for Jimmy WilsonLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Jimmy Wilson
Wilson, Kaiden2019
Wilson, Kyrell2020
Wilson, Richard1975
Wilson, Robert1914Robert Wilson has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Robert Wilson
Wilson, S1977
Wilson, Thomas1914Thomas Wilson has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Thomas WilsonLink to the findagrave profile for Thomas WilsonLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Thomas Wilson
Wiltshire, P1982
Wingrove, Harry1965
Winn, D1955
Winter, A1951
Winters, Jason1987
Witham, Leslie1954
Witney, ?1934? Witney has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for ? Witney
Wizik, Glenn2001
Wood, ?1936? Wood has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for ? Wood
Wood, I1948
Wood, Norman1912Norman Wood has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Norman WoodLink to the findagrave profile for Norman WoodLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Norman Wood
Wood, S1908
Woodards, Danny2000
Woodhouse, ?1949
Woollard, Tarquin1980
Worley, Harry2005
Wright, ?1912? Wright has passed away
Wright, Daniel1981
Wright, Fred1906Fred Wright has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for Fred WrightLink to the findagrave profile for Fred WrightLink to the CGS Zeemaps location for Fred Wright
Wright, Kevin2005
Wright, Richard1953
Wright, Robert1949
Wright, Trevor1948
Wynn, Patrick1951Link to the CGS Ancestry profile for Patrick Wynn


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Yates, L1948
Yates, Paul1992
Yellowley, J1954
York, Gordon1951Link to the CGS Ancestry profile for Gordon York
Young, ?1907? Young has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for ? Young
Young, G1926G Young has passed awayLink to the CGS Ancestry profile for G Young
Younghusband, James2002
Younghusband, Phil2003


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Name1st Joined CFCPassed Away?AncestryF. A. G.ZeeMap
Žiger, Karlo2018


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Name1st Joined CFCPassed Away?AncestryF. A. G.ZeeMap
Zoricich, Chris1996

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