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Head to Head Summary for Chelsea v Burslem%20Port%20Vale.

Also includes details for matches played against Port Vale

League | Grand Totals | Match Listing | They played for both

League Matches versus Burslem%20Port%20Vale

Played Won Drawn Lost For Against TTL Att AVG Att
Home 7 6 1 0 19 5 144,320 20,617
Away 7 1 3 3 10 8 75,312 10,759
Total 14 7 4 3 29 13 219,632 15,688

Games since last league defeat: Home: 7Away: 0All: 0
Games since last league draw: Home: 0Away: 1All: 1
Games since last league win: Home: 1Away: 3All: 2

54 Chelsea players have made
League Appearances
against Burslem%20Port%20Vale

Willie Ferguson9
George Smith9
Jackie Crawford8
John Priestley7
Andy Wilson7
Albert Thain6
Tommy Law5
George Rodgers5
Harold Miller4
Bobby McNeil4
Harry Wilding4
Peter McKenna4
Bob McRoberts4
Bob Turnbull4
Sam Millington4
Jack Kirwan4
George Key3
George Pearson3
Martin Moran3
Jimmy Windridge3
Tommy Miller3
William Foulke2
Bob Mackie2
Tommy McDermott2
Fred Barrett2
Jimmy Thompson2
Sam Irving2
William Jackson2
James Robertson2
Jacky Robertson2
Jack Meredith2
William Whitton2
Jack Townrow2
George Henderson2
George Hilsdon2
Jack Harrow2
Joseph Walton2
Bob Whiting2
Benjamin Baker2
George Biswell1
Leslie Odell1
Willie Russell1
Reg Weaver1
Baishe Bower1
Willie Brown1
Bob McEwan1
George Stone1
Ted Birnie1
David Cameron1
Frank Pearson1
David Copeland1
Jimmy Frew1
James Frost1
Billy Bridgeman1
18 Chelsea players have scored
League Goals
against Burslem%20Port%20Vale

Albert Thain4
Bob Turnbull3
Jackie Crawford3
George Biswell2
Andy Wilson2
Jack Kirwan2
Martin Moran2
Harry Wilding1
Bobby McNeil1
George Stone1
William Whitton1
George Hilsdon1
James Frost1
Frank Pearson1
James Robertson1
Jacky Robertson1
Bob McRoberts1
Jimmy Windridge1

All competitive Matches versus Burslem%20Port%20Vale

Played Won Drawn Lost For Against TTL Att AVG Att
Home 7 6 1 0 19 5 144,320 20,617
Away / Neutral 7 1 3 3 10 8 75,312 10,759
Total 14 7 4 3 29 13 219,632 15,688

54 Chelsea players have made
Competitive Appearances
against Burslem%20Port%20Vale

Willie Ferguson9
George Smith9
Jackie Crawford8
John Priestley7
Andy Wilson7
Albert Thain6
Tommy Law5
George Rodgers5
Harold Miller4
Bobby McNeil4
Harry Wilding4
Peter McKenna4
Bob McRoberts4
Bob Turnbull4
Sam Millington4
Jack Kirwan4
George Key3
George Pearson3
Martin Moran3
Jimmy Windridge3
Tommy Miller3
William Foulke2
Bob Mackie2
Tommy McDermott2
Fred Barrett2
Jimmy Thompson2
Sam Irving2
William Jackson2
James Robertson2
Jacky Robertson2
Jack Meredith2
William Whitton2
Jack Townrow2
George Henderson2
George Hilsdon2
Jack Harrow2
Joseph Walton2
Bob Whiting2
Benjamin Baker2
George Biswell1
Leslie Odell1
Willie Russell1
Reg Weaver1
Baishe Bower1
Willie Brown1
Bob McEwan1
George Stone1
Ted Birnie1
David Cameron1
Frank Pearson1
David Copeland1
Jimmy Frew1
James Frost1
Billy Bridgeman1
18 Chelsea players have scored
Competitive Goals
against Burslem%20Port%20Vale

Albert Thain4
Bob Turnbull3
Jackie Crawford3
George Biswell2
Andy Wilson2
Jack Kirwan2
Martin Moran2
Harry Wilding1
Bobby McNeil1
George Stone1
William Whitton1
George Hilsdon1
James Frost1
Frank Pearson1
James Robertson1
Jacky Robertson1
Bob McRoberts1
Jimmy Windridge1

Match Listing v Burslem%20Port%20Vale

CompDateHome  AwayAtt
League30th Oct 1905Burslem Port Vale32Chelsea5,000 match lost
League3rd Mar 1906Chelsea70Burslem Port Vale10,000 match won
League3rd Nov 1906Burslem Port Vale20Chelsea5,000 match lost
League9th Mar 1907Chelsea21Burslem Port Vale8,000 match won
League6th Dec 1924Port Vale11Chelsea11,975 match drawn
League11th Apr 1925Chelsea10Port Vale30,000 match won
League5th Sep 1925Port Vale06Chelsea12,801 match won
League16th Jan 1926Chelsea31Port Vale15,568 match won
League4th Sep 1926Port Vale00Chelsea14,720 match drawn
League16th Mar 1927Chelsea20Port Vale18,169 match won
League26th Nov 1927Port Vale11Chelsea14,115 match drawn
League7th Apr 1928Chelsea10Port Vale39,278 match won
League24th Nov 1928Chelsea33Port Vale23,305 match drawn
League6th Apr 1929Port Vale10Chelsea11,701 match lost

They played for both

7 players have represented both Chelsea & Burslem%20Port%20Vale during their careers. They are:

Joe Allon
Jack Cameron
Murdoch Dickie
Anthony Grant
Steve Livingstone
Philip Smith
Chris Sulley

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